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Монгол Улсаас БНХАУ-д суугаа ЭСЯ, ДГХБО-ын OУСТ-тэй хамтран Далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудын Элчин сайд нарт зориулсан мэдээллийн арга хэмжээг 2017 оны 7 дугаар сарын 6-ны өдөр ЭСЯ-ны хурлын танхимд амжилттай зохион байгуулав.
Уг арга хэмжээнд далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудын Элчин сайд нар урилгаар оролцсон бөгөөд зарим далайд гарцгүй орнуудын хэргийг түр хамаарагч нар хүрэлцэн ирж идэвхитэй оролцлоо.
Арга хэмжээг нээж Монгол Улсаас БНХАУ-д суугаа Онц бөгөөд Бүрэн эрхт Элчин сайд Д.Ганхуяг үг хэлсэн бөгөөд тэрээр хэлсэн үгэндээ ОУСТ-ийн өндөр ач холбогдлыг онцгойлон тэмдэглэж Далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудын Олон улсын судалгааны төвийг үүсгэн байгуулах тухай олон талт хэлэлцээрт сүүлийн саруудад нэгдэн орсон орнуудад талархал илэрхийлж, хараахан нэгдэн ороогүй байгаа орнуудыг ойрын хугацаанд нэгдэн орохыг уриалав.
Тус арга хэмжээнд Замби Улсаас Монгол Улсад хавсран суугаа Элчин сайд Хатагтай Винни Чибасекунда оролцон далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудын бүлгийн дарга орны хувиар арга хэмжээг нээж үг хэлэв. Элчин сайд Чибасекунда хэлсэн үгэндээ Монгол Улс Далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудын Олон улсын судалгааны төвийг үүсгэн байгуулж, тус төвийн үйл ажиллагааг тууштай дэмжих замаар ДГХБО-ын бүлгийн тэргүүлэх гишүүн орнуудын нэг болохыг нотолсоор байгааг талархан тэмдэглээд ДГХБО-ын ОУСТ-ийг үүсгэн байгуулах тухай олон талт хэлэлцээрт нэгдэн орох нь бүх далайд гарцгүй хөгжиж байгаа орнуудад нэн чухал болохыг цохон тэмдэглэв.
Aрга хэмжээний үеэр Тусгай үүрэг гүйцэтгэгч Элчин сайд бөгөөд ДГХБО-ын захирлын үүрэг гүйцэтгэгч Э.Одбаяр ОУСТ-ийн үйл ажиллагааны талаар дэлгэрэнгүй танилцуулж, гишүүн орнуудын асуултанд хариулав. Мөн түүнчлэн, ДГХБО-ын ОУСТ-өөс хйиж гүйцэтгэсэн нийт 6 судалгааны нээлтийг хийж, ДГХБО-ын ОУСТ-ийн түүхэн замналыг харуулсан фото зургийн үзэсгэлэнг танилцуулсан болно.
Opening Speech by H.E. GANKHUYAG DAMBA,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the PRC
at the High-Level Luncheon for Ambassadors of landlocked developing countries 11:00-13:00, Thursday, 6 July 2017
Excellencies, Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all I would like to express my appreciation for accepting our invitation and for participating in this Luncheon, which is being jointly organized by the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries and the Embassy of Mongolia to the People`s Republic of China for the first time here in Beijing.
Mongolia attaches utmost importance to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as to the collective and coordinated efforts of the landlocked developing countries with the view to advance their common interests and addressing the special needs and challenges facing LLDCs.
Our countries face serious constraints in their socio-economic development endeavors due to their lack of territorial access to the sea and we all continue facing similar challenges in terms of the integration to major market poles and to regional transportation networks. Most of our countries including Mongolia continue facing 30-50% higher transport costs compared to representative coastal economies. Mongolia spends 6.2% of its entire GDP for transportation costs only.
The main objective of this "Luncheon” is to introduce the current status and activities of the International Think Tank for LLDCs as well as to provide a platform for constructive dialogue on the utilization of the International Think Tank for LLDCs.
Furthermore, the International Think Tank will also provide the opportunity to exchange views on the Multilateral agreement for the establishment of the ITT for LLDCs with the option to raise critical questions about the Agreement for member states.
It is a fact that Mongolia has always been a very active member of the Group of LLDCs. As the initiator and host country of the International Think Tank for LLDCs, Mongolia has been supportive towards the operationalization of this Think Tank for LLDCs right from the beginning.
We are also supportive of the current activities conducted by the team working under Ambassador-at-Large and Interim Director of ITT, Mr. Odbayar and the Government of Mongolia would like to wish all the best for the future activities and the role the ITT can and will play for tackling special needs and challenges facing LLDCs as well as for the successful implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action.
It is not enough to have a dedicated host country and a handful of member states that support the ITT to establish an intergovernmental body within a secure legal framework.
We need to realize that this think tank is not a Mongolian entity. It belongs to all LLDCs and it should work for all of us.
Therefore, I would like to encourage the distinguished members of the LLDC group to demonstrate leadership and ownership, by acceding to the Multilateral Agreement for the Establishment of an International Think Tank for LLDCs in order to bring the ITT to its full operation within a secure legal framework.
Speaking of leadership and ownership, the Government of Mongolia would like to extend its gratitude to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for acceding to the Multilateral Agreement in June this year.
Our appreciation also goes to BURKINA FASO and PARAGUAY for their ratification in late 2016.
However, the operationalization of the International think tank to a full extent can only happen with your support and a Multilateral Agreement with at least 10 accessions, which would make the International Think Tank an Intergovernmental body.
We sincerely hope that remaining members of our group will soon become party to the agreement with the view to fully operationalize the International Think Tank for LLDCs and start benefiting from the ITT.
Bearing this in mind Mongolia welcomes all LLDCs to be more active in terms of the Think Tank since this think tank is our very own think tank.
This luncheon will provide information on the current activities and latest products of the ITT, which were produced on the request of the group of LLDCs.
I am confident that this event will be informative and useful to all LLDCs.
I would like to encourage all LLDCs to raise questions to Ambassador-at-Large and Interim Director Odbayar, since he has been leading the Think Tank tirelessly for the last 5 years.
I wish you all a fruitful and successful event!
Thank you again for your kind attention!